00:00:00 Kondō Katsuyuki - Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu 近藤勝之 - 大東流合気柔術 00:00:00 .Daito-ryu shi 大東流史 Daito-ryu history 00:31:06 .reihō 礼法 etiquette 00:33:23 .hiden mokuroku 秘伝目録 secret syllabus 00:39:34 .idori hanza-handachi tachi-ai ushiro-dori 居捕 半座半立 立合 後捕 00:48:45 .gihō kaisetsu 技法解説 Technical Explanations 00:48:48 ..ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 00:54:04 ..shihou-nage 四方投 four directions throw ryote dori 00:59:35 ..ikkajo 一ヶ条 section one 00:59:38 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 00:59:45 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 01:00:12 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 01:00:26 ....hiji gaeshi 肘返 elbow flip katate mune dori 01:00:33 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 01:00:40 ....shime gaeshi 絞返 choke flip emon jime 01:00:50 ....daki jime 抱締 hug clamp emon jime 01:00:56 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 01:01:06 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 01:01:15 ....nukite dori 抜手捕 pull out hand capture ryote dori (hold) 01:01:22 ....hiza jime 膝締 knee clamp ryote dori (push) 01:01:29 ...hanza-handachi goho-no-jin 半座半立・五法の陣 half-sitting half-standing five methods' form 01:01:37 ....hanmi nage 半身投 half-body throw migite dori (pull) 01:01:59 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop hidarite dori (push) 01:02:23 ....izori 居反 sitting throw back ryote dori (push) 01:02:38 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop kubi jime 01:02:52 ....irimi nage 入身投 enter-body throw ryote dori (pull) 01:03:03 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 01:03:08 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 01:03:19 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 01:03:26 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 01:03:35 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel emon jime 01:03:43 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 01:03:53 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop katate sode dori (pull) 01:03:59 otoshi 帯落 belt drop emon jime 01:04:06 ....kiri kaeshi 切返 cut flip ryosode dori 01:04:15 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 01:04:23 ....shihou nage (omote) 四方投(表) four directions throw (front) ryote dori (hold) 01:04:29 ....shihou nage (ura) 四方投(裏) four directions throw (rear) ryote dori (hold) 01:04:37 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 01:04:42 ....tachi eri dori 立襟捕 standing-collar capture katate tachi-eri dori 01:04:53 ....ryo kata hineri 両肩捻 both shoulders twist ryokata dori 01:05:01 ....ryo hiji gaeshi 両肘返 both elbows flip ryohiji dori 01:05:09 ....daki jime dori 抱締捕 hug clamp capture daki jime 01:05:18 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop katate kubi jime 01:05:41 ..nikajo 二ヶ条 section two 01:05:44 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 01:05:44 ....kote dzume 小手詰 forearm jam shomen uchi 01:06:05 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 01:06:26 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back yokomen uchi 01:06:43 ....koba gaeshi 木葉返 leaf flip kakete (no attack, block strike) 01:07:03 ..... explanation 01:08:11 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (hold) 01:08:30 ....kubi hineri 頸捻 neck twist emon jime 01:08:50 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip katate kata dori (block strike) 01:09:14 ....kataha dori 片羽捕 one wing capture tsuki 01:09:38 ....kamate dzume 鎌手詰 sickle hand jam tsuki 01:10:01 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm katate mune dori (block strike) 01:10:23 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 01:10:23 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (pull) 01:10:44 ....irimi dzume 入身詰 enter-body jam morote dori (pull) 01:11:03 ....suso dori 裾捕 hem capture shomen uchi 01:11:19 ..... explanation 01:12:18 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip sokumen uchi 01:12:41 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back tachi-eri dori 01:13:04 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 01:13:04 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 01:13:25 ....hiki otoshi 引落 pull drop yokomen uchi 01:13:39 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw sode dori 01:13:50 ....suso barai 裾拂 or 裾払 hem sweep sode dori 01:14:06 ....seoi nage 背負投 back-carry throw emon jime 01:14:24 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori 01:14:43 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip shomen uchi 01:15:05 ..... explanation 01:17:05 ....kata guruma 肩車 shoulder wheel shomen uchi 01:17:20 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel yokomen uchi 01:17:32 kujiki 背挫 back bend-back emon jime 01:17:49 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 01:17:49 ....tsuki taoshi 突倒 thrust topple tachi-eri dori 01:18:07 ....sukui nage 掬投 scoop throw ryohiji dori 01:18:21 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm kataha jime 01:18:35 ..... explanation 01:19:49 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw hagai jime (full nelson) 01:20:03 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back ryosode dori 01:20:15 ..sankajo 三ヶ条 section three 01:20:19 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 01:20:19 ....maki dzume 巻詰 wind-up jam shomen uchi 01:21:01 ....karame dzume 搦詰 tangle jam mune dori shomen uchi 01:21:18 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 01:21:18 ....ashi jime 足締 leg clamp shomen uchi 01:21:44 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 01:21:44 ....ganseki otoshi 岩石落 rock drop ryote dori 01:21:56 ....shichiri biki 七里引 seven-league pull (27.5 km) katate dori 01:22:27 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 01:22:27 ....ude gaeshi 腕返 arm flip ryote dori 01:22:54 ..yonkajo 四ヶ条 section four 01:22:57 ...ura gote 裏小手 rear forearm shomen uchi 01:23:50 ...uchi gote 内小手 inside forearm yokomen uchi 01:24:27 ..gokajo 五ヶ条 section five 01:24:31 ...shumoku 撞木 bell hammer (wooden) yokomen uchi 01:24:45 dori 杖取 staff take 01:24:58 ...taki otoshi 滝落 waterfall drop kakete (block strike) 01:25:16 ...tasuu dori 多数捕 many capture 01:26:12 .aiki to wa nani ka? 合気とは何か? What is Aiki? 01:32:10 .goshinyo no te 御信用之手 the techniques of self defence 01:33:47 .embu kai 演武会 demonstration 01:43:20 .kobudo toshite no seito se 古武道としての正統性 Legitimacy of Succession 01:46:05 .kaigai e no hiyaku 海外への飛躍 Daito-Ryu Abroad 01:47:46 .gendai ni okeru kobudo no igi 現代における古武道の意義 Significance of Classical Budo in the Modern World 0:00 Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu Shōyōkan 大東流合気柔術 逍遙館 0:00 .Shoden 初伝 first transmission 0:00 ..ikkajo 一ヶ条 section one 0:04 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 0:26 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 0:47 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 1:12 ....hiji gaeshi 肘返 elbow flip katate mune dori 1:36 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 2:01 ....shime gaeshi 絞返 choke flip emon jime 2:31 ....daki jime 抱締 hug clamp emon jime 3:04 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 3:35 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 4:07 ....nukite dori 抜手捕 pull out hand capture ryote dori (hold) 4:37 ....hiza jime 膝締 knee clamp ryote dori (push) 0:04 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 0:11 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 0:32 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 0:51 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 1:12 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel emon jime 1:38 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 2:04 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop katate sode dori (pull) 2:28 otoshi 帯落 belt drop emon jime 2:54 ....kiri kaeshi 切返 cut flip ryosode dori 3:11 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 3:34 ....shihou nage (ura) 四方投(裏) four directions throw (rear) ryote dori (hold) 0:04 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 0:11 ....tachi eri dori 立襟捕 standing-collar capture katate tachi-eri dori 0:25 ....ryo kata hineri 両肩捻 both shoulders twist ryokata dori 0:38 ....ryo hiji gaeshi 両肘返 both elbows flip ryohiji dori 0:49 ....daki jime dori 抱締捕 hug clamp capture daki jime 1:02 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop katate kubi jime 1:29 ....tachi eri dori 立襟捕 standing-collar capture katate tachi-eri dori 1:44 ....ryo kata hineri 両肩捻 both shoulders twist ryokata dori 1:57 ....ryo hiji gaeshi 両肘返 both elbows flip ryohiji dori 2:10 ....daki jime dori 抱締捕 hug clamp capture daki jime 2:23 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop katate kubi jime 2:45 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 2:52 ....hanmi nage 半身投 half-body throw migite dori (pull) 3:12 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop hidarite dori (push) 3:28 ....izori 居反 sitting throw back ryote dori (push) 3:39 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop kubi jime 3:54 ....irimi nage 入身投 enter-body throw ryote dori (pull) 0:00 ..nikajo 二ヶ条 section two 0:04 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 0:20 ....kote dzume 小手詰 forearm jam shomen uchi 0:31 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 0:45 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back yokomen uchi 1:01 ....koba gaeshi 木葉返 leaf flip kakete (no attack, block strike) 1:16 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (hold) 1:25 ....kubi hineri 頸捻 neck twist emon jime 1:39 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip katate kata dori (block strike) 1:52 ....kataha dori 片羽捕 one wing capture tsuki 2:09 ....kamate dzume 鎌手詰 sickle hand jam tsuki 2:22 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm katate mune dori (block strike) 0:04 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 0:11 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 0:26 ....hiki otoshi 引落 pull drop yokomen uchi 0:40 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw sode dori 0:50 ....suso barai 裾拂 or 裾払 hem sweep sode dori 0:59 ....seoi nage 背負投 back-carry throw emon jime 1:09 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori 1:16 ....kata guruma 肩車 shoulder wheel shomen uchi 1:29 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip shomen uchi 1:41 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel yokomen uchi 1:56 kujiki 背挫 back bend-back emon jime 0:04 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 0:15 ....tsuki taoshi 突倒 thrust topple tachi-eri dori 0:27 ....sukui nage 掬投 scoop throw ryohiji dori 0:41 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm kataha jime 0:56 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw hagai jime (full nelson) 1:11 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back ryosode dori 1:35 ....tsuki taoshi 突倒 thrust topple tachi-eri dori 1:50 ....sukui nage 掬投 scoop throw ryohiji dori 2:04 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm kataha jime 2:19 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw hagai jime (full nelson) 2:35 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back ryosode dori 2:57 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 3:09 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (pull) 3:25 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip sokumen uchi 3:44 ....suso dori 裾捕 hem capture shomen uchi 4:02 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back tachi-eri dori 4:18 ....irimi dzume 入身詰 enter-body jam morote dori (pull) 0:00 ..sankajo 三ヶ条 section three 0:04 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 0:25 ....tsuri otoshi 釣落 fishing drop shomen uchi 0:41 ....temakura 手枕 hand pillow yokomen uchi 0:56 ....soto gote 外小手 outside forearm katate mune dori 1:10 ....maki dzume 巻詰 wind-up jam shomen uchi 1:21 ....kobushi gaeshi 拳返 fist flip tsuki age (upper cut) 1:32 ....kakae kujiki 抱挫 hug bend-back tsuki 1:44 ....karame dzume 搦詰 tangle jam mune dori shomen uchi 2:04 ....kiriha 切羽 cut wing kakete 2:20 ....uchi ude gaeshi 内腕返 inside arm flip ganmen tsuki (face thrust) 2:37 ....gasshou dori 合掌捕 join palms capture kakete 0:04 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 0:13 ....tsuri otoshi 釣落 fishing drop shomen uchi 0:30 ....soto gote 外小手 outside forearm katate mune dori 0:43 ....maki dzume 巻詰 wind-up jam shomen uchi 0:52 ....waki dzume 脇詰 side jam katate dori 1:04 ....ganseki otoshi 岩石落 rock drop ryote dori 1:15 ....kubi wa 首輪 neck ring (collar) tsuki 1:28 ....uchi ude gaeshi 内腕返 inside arm flip tsuki 1:43 ....shichiri biki 七里引 seven-league pull (27.5 km) katate dori 1:53 ....ippon katsugi 一本担 one arm shoulder carry katate dori 2:07 ....shihou nage 四方投 four directions throw yokomen uchi 0:04 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 0:13 ....maki dzume otoshi 巻詰落 wind-up jam drop ryote dori 0:31 ....ude gaeshi 腕返 arm flip ryote dori 0:47 ....waki garami 脇搦 side tangle katate tachi-eri dori 1:00 ....kiriha 切羽 cut wing kakaekomi / kakae jime dori 1:13 ....kataude nage 片腕投 one arm throw morote dori 1:32 ....maki dzume otoshi 巻詰落 wind-up jam drop ryote dori 1:51 ....ude gaeshi 腕返 arm flip ryote dori 2:07 ....waki garami 脇搦 side tangle katate tachi-eri dori 2:21 ....kiriha 切羽 cut wing kakaekomi / kakae jime dori 2:36 ....kataude nage 片腕投 one arm throw morote dori 3:00 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 3:10 ....maki dzume 巻詰 wind-up jam katate dori (pull) 3:35 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back tsuki 3:54 ....kataha gaeshi 片羽返 one wing flip katahagake (rear shoulder strangle) 4:11 ....ashi jime 足締 leg clamp shomen uchi 4:27 ....waki kujiki 脇挫 side bend-back mune dori 0:00 ..yonkajo 四ヶ条 section four 0:00 ...juugote 十五手 15 moves 0:00 ....ura gote 裏小手 rear forearm shomen uchi 0:19 ....uchi gote 内小手 inside forearm yokomen uchi 0:35 ....kakae kubi 抱首 hug neck katate dori 0:53 ....temakura dzume 手枕詰 hand pillow jam yokomen uchi 1:10 ....waki dori (omote) 脇捕(表) side capture (front) shomen uchi 1:32 ....waki dori (ura) 脇捕(裏) side capture (rear) yokomen uchi 1:52 ....ire chigai 入違 pass each other koshi obi dori 2:12 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop katate dori 2:29 ....senryu 潜竜 submerged dragon katate dori 2:51 ....izori 居反 sitting throw back ryote dori 3:19 ....tatsumaki 竜巻 tornado ryote dori 3:51 ....waki dzume otoshi 脇詰落 side jam drop katate dori 4:15 ....gyaku gasshou (omote) 逆合掌(表) reverse join palms (front) ryote dori 4:42 ....gyaku gasshou (ura) 逆合掌(裏) reverse join palms (rear) ryote dori 5:00 ....kasumi nage 霞投 mist throw yokomen uchi 5:20 ....hadaka jime 裸締 naked clamp tsuki 5:41 ....daruma gaeshi 達磨返 dharma flip ryokata dori 0:00 Hakuhō-ryu Aiki-jūjutsu UK 白鳳流合気柔術 UK 0:00 .hiden mokuroku 秘伝目録 secret syllabus 0:00 ..ikkajo 一ヶ条 section one 0:02 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 0:10 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 0:27 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 0:48 ....hiji gaeshi 肘返 elbow flip katate mune dori 1:04 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 1:16 ....shime gaeshi 絞返 choke flip emon jime 1:31 ....daki jime 抱締 hug clamp emon jime 1:47 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 2:08 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 2:25 ....nukite dori 抜手捕 pull out hand capture ryote dori (hold) 2:42 ....hiza jime 膝締 knee clamp ryote dori (push) 3:08 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 3:16 ....hanmi nage 半身投 half-body throw migite dori (pull) 3:24 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop hidarite dori (push) 3:31 ....izori 居反 sitting throw back ryote dori (push) 3:39 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop kubi jime 3:46 ....irimi nage 入身投 enter-body throw ryote dori (pull) 3:58 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 4:05 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 4:20 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 4:31 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 4:47 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel emon jime 5:07 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop katate sode dori (pull) 5:18 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 5:39 otoshi 帯落 belt drop emon jime 5:55 ....kiri kaeshi 切返 cut flip ryosode dori 6:05 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 6:18 ....shihou nage (ura) 四方投(裏) four directions throw (rear) ryote dori (hold) 6:32 ....shihou nage (omote) 四方投(表) four directions throw (front) ryote dori (hold) 6:50 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 6:57 ....tachi eri dori 立襟捕 standing-collar capture katate tachi-eri dori 7:33 ....ryo kata hineri 両肩捻 both shoulders twist ryokata dori 8:08 ....ryo hiji gaeshi 両肘返 both elbows flip ryohiji dori 8:39 ....daki jime dori 抱締捕 hug clamp capture daki jime 9:10 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop katate kubi jime 0:00 ..nikajo 二ヶ条 section two 0:03 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 0:11 ....kote dzume 小手詰 forearm jam shomen uchi 0:21 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 0:36 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back yokomen uchi 0:50 ....koba gaeshi 木葉返 leaf flip kakete (no attack, block strike) 1:06 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (hold) 1:14 ....kubi hineri 頸捻 neck twist emon jime 1:35 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip katate kata dori (block strike) 1:47 ....kataha dori 片羽捕 one wing capture tsuki 2:09 ....kamate dzume 鎌手詰 sickle hand jam tsuki 2:23 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm katate mune dori (block strike) 2:47 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 2:55 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (pull) 3:06 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip sokumen uchi 3:19 ....suso dori 裾捕 hem capture shomen uchi 3:37 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back tachi-eri dori 3:51 ....irimi dzume 入身詰 enter-body jam morote dori (pull) 4:10 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 4:16 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 4:29 ....hiki otoshi 引落 pull drop yokomen uchi 4:43 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw sode dori 4:55 ....suso barai 裾拂 or 裾払 hem sweep sode dori 5:05 ....seoi nage 背負投 back-carry throw emon jime 5:16 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori 5:23 ....kata guruma 肩車 shoulder wheel shomen uchi 5:38 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip shomen uchi 5:49 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel yokomen uchi 6:00 kujiki 背挫 back bend-back emon jime 6:29 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 6:36 ....tsuki taoshi 突倒 thrust topple tachi-eri dori 7:04 ....sukui nage 掬投 scoop throw ryohiji dori 7:38 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm kataha jime 8:13 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw hagai jime (full nelson) 8:42 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back ryosode dori 0:00 ..sankajo 三ヶ条 section three 0:00 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture :08 ....tsuri otoshi 釣落 fishing drop shomen uchi 0:24 ....temakura 手枕 hand pillow yokomen uchi 0:40 ....soto gote 外小手 outside forearm katate mune dori 0:51 ....maki dzume 巻詰 wind-up jam shomen uchi 1:04 ....kobushi gaeshi 拳返 fist flip tsuki age (upper cut) 1:13 ....kakae kujiki 抱挫 hug bend-back tsuki 1:28 ....karame dzume 搦詰 tangle jam mune dori shomen uchi 1:46 ....kiriha 切羽 cut wing kakete 1:57 ....uchi ude gaeshi 内腕返 inside arm flip ganmen tsuki (face thrust) 2:14 ....gasshou dori 合掌捕 join palms capture kakete 0:00 .aiki-no-jutsu 合気之術 the science of joining spirit - ..katate dori 片手取 single hand take ...mikaeri otoshi 身返り落 body flip drop ...myaku no fure 脈の触れ pulse touch ...waki no sukui 脇掬 side scoop ...kasumi nage no koma kuzushi 霞投の駒崩し mist throw chess-piece unbalancing ...maki dzume no koma kuzushi 巻詰の駒崩し wind-up jam chess-piece unbalancing ...mukae otoshi 迎え落 meeting drop ...rakuyo 落葉 fallen leaves ...aiki otoshi 合気落 aiki drop ...sashi kiri 差し切 between cut ...koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel ...ichi monji 一文字 straight line ...koshi no kuzure 腰崩れ lower-back collapse ...uki hashi 浮き橋 floating bridge ho goshi 二歩越し two step crossing ...koshimi 越し身 crossing body ...myaku gaeshi 脈返 pulse flip ...tatsumaki 竜巻 tornado ...shakkotsu gaeshi 尺骨返 ulna flip 0:00 ..ryote dori 両手取 both hands take 0:03 ...ushiro date 後伊 rear under-belt 0:26 ...yu gao 弓顔 bow face 0:44 ...tenchi no wakare 天地の別れ separate heaven and earth 0:57 ...kagi gatame 鉤固 hook pin 1:19 ...nadare 雪崩 avalanche # 1:30 ...uke modoshi 受戻し receive return 1:30 ...uki modoshi 浮き戻し float return 1:45 ...saza nami 細波 ripple 2:02 ...yobi modoshi 呼び戻し call return 2:14 ...hi sho 火暑 fire heat (?) 2:30 ...kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop 2:45 ...kesa giri 袈裟切 scarf cut 3:02 ...orimi 折り身 fold body 3:12 ...tachi zori 立反 standing throw back 3:26 ...furiko otoshi 振り子落 pendulum drop 3:41 ...nukite otoshi 抜手落 pull out hand drop 3:56 ...katate otoshi 片手落 one hand drop 4:08 ...ryo ichimonji 両一文字 both straight line 4:22 ...aya guruma 綾車 diagonal wheel 4:42 ...yuragi otoshi 揺らぎ落 tremor drop 4:55 ...koshi no hiraku 腰の開く lower-back open - ...tachi gori kuzushi 立梱崩し standing bale unbalancing ...hi aburi 火炙り fire cooking ...tsuri juji 釣十字 fishing cross shape ...kokyu torae 呼吸捕らえ breath capture ...kumi gatame ayatori 組固め綾取 grapple pin cross-hand take # ...kumi gateme ayatori 綾取 cross-hand take 0:00 Nihon Daitō-ryū Aikibudō Seishin Kai - Katō Shigemitsu 日本大東流合気武道誠心会 - 加藤茂光 0:00 .hiden mokuroku 118 kajō 秘伝目録百十八ヶ条 secret syllabus 118 items 0:00 .. start part 1 2:00 .. part 1 intro 2:20 ..taikei 体系 system 4:22 ..ikkajo 一ヶ条 section one 5:12 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 5:15 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 6:11 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 7:13 ....hiji gaeshi 肘返 elbow flip katate mune dori 7:56 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 8:42 ....shime gaeshi 絞返 choke flip emon jime 9:37 ....daki jime 抱締 hug clamp emon jime 10:21 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 11:12 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 11:58 ....nukite dori 抜手捕 pull out hand capture ryote dori (hold) 13:05 ....hiza jime 膝締 knee clamp ryote dori (push) 13:43 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 13:49 ....hanmi nage 半身投 half-body throw migite dori (pull) 14:54 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop hidarite dori (push) 15:35 ....izori 居反 sitting throw back ryote dori (push) 16:06 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop kubi jime 16:41 ....irimi nage 入身投 enter-body throw ryote dori (pull) 17:29 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 17:34 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 18:30 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 19:05 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 20:06 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel emon jime 20:44 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 21:21 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop katate sode dori (pull) 21:55 otoshi 帯落 belt drop emon jime 22:27 ....kiri kaeshi 切返 cut flip ryosode dori 22:59 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 23:35 ....shihou nage (omote) 四方投(表) four directions throw (front) ryote dori (hold) 24:12 ....shihou nage (ura) 四方投(裏) four directions throw (rear) ryote dori (hold) 24:44 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 24:51 ....tachi eri dori 立襟捕 standing-collar capture katate tachi-eri dori 25:29 ....ryo kata hineri 両肩捻 both shoulders twist ryokata dori 26:06 ....ryo hiji gaeshi 両肘返 both elbows flip ryohiji dori 26:39 ....daki jime dori 抱締捕 hug clamp capture daki jime 27:21 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop katate kubi jime 27:55 ..nikajo 二ヶ条 section two 28:36 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 28:41 ....kote dzume 小手詰 forearm jam shomen uchi 30:00 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 30:46 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back yokomen uchi 31:44 ....koba gaeshi 木葉返 leaf flip kakete (no attack, block strike) 32:45 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (hold) 33:36 ....kubi hineri 頸捻 neck twist emon jime 34:33 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip katate kata dori (block strike) 35:17 ....kataha dori 片羽捕 one wing capture tsuki 36:11 ....kamate dzume 鎌手詰 sickle hand jam tsuki 36:48 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm katate mune dori (block strike) 37:33 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 37:39 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (pull) 38:18 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip sokumen uchi 38:52 ....suso dori 裾捕 hem capture shomen uchi 39:27 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back tachi-eri dori 40:06 ....irimi dzume 入身詰 enter-body jam morote dori (pull) 41:02 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 41:08 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 41:47 ....hiki otoshi 引落 pull drop yokomen uchi 42:25 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw sode dori 43:15 ....suso barai 裾拂 or 裾払 hem sweep sode dori 43:46 ....seoi nage 背負投 back-carry throw emon jime 44:22 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori 45:00 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip shomen uchi 45:50 ....kata guruma 肩車 shoulder wheel shomen uchi 46:30 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel yokomen uchi 47:08 kujiki 背挫 back bend-back emon jime 48:00 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 48:06 ....tsuki taoshi 突倒 thrust topple tachi-eri dori 49:04 ....sukui nage 掬投 scoop throw ryohiji dori 49:45 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm kataha jime 50:41 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw hagai jime (full nelson) 51:15 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back ryosode dori 51:54 .. end part 1 0:00 .. start part 2 2:00 .. part 2 intro 2:16 .. rekishi 歴史 history 5:55 ..sankajo 三ヶ条 section three 7:55 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 8:17 ....tsuri otoshi 釣落 fishing drop shomen uchi 10:30 ....temakura 手枕 hand pillow yokomen uchi 12:03 ....soto gote 外小手 outside forearm katate mune dori 13:15 ....maki dzume 巻詰 wind-up jam shomen uchi 14:19 ....kobushi gaeshi 拳返 fist flip tsuki age (upper cut) 15:30 ....kakae kujiki 抱挫 hug bend-back tsuki 16:45 ....karame dzume 搦詰 tangle jam mune dori shomen uchi 18:55 ....kiriha 切羽 cut wing kakete 19:50 ....uchi ude gaeshi 内腕返 inside arm flip ganmen tsuki (face thrust) 21:13 ....gasshou dori 合掌捕 join palms capture kakete 22:16 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 22:36 ....maki dzume 巻詰 wind-up jam katate dori (pull) 23:57 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back tsuki 24:45 ....kataha gaeshi 片羽返 one wing flip katahagake (rear shoulder strangle) 26:06 ....ashi jime 足締 leg clamp shomen uchi 27:30 ....waki kujiki 脇挫 side bend-back mune dori 28:21 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 28:42 ....tsuri otoshi 釣落 fishing drop shomen uchi 31:04 ....soto gote 外小手 outside forearm katate mune dori 32:00 ....maki dzume 巻詰 wind-up jam shomen uchi 32:56 ....waki dzume 脇詰 side jam katate dori 34:22 ....ganseki otoshi 岩石落 rock drop ryote dori 35:33 ....kubi wa 首輪 neck ring (collar) tsuki 36:36 ....uchi ude gaeshi 内腕返 inside arm flip tsuki 37:26 ....shichiri biki 七里引 seven-league pull (27.5 km) katate dori 38:43 ....ippon katsugi 一本担 one arm shoulder carry katate dori 39:56 ....shihou nage 四方投 four directions throw yokomen uchi 42:12 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 42:22 ....maki dzume otoshi 巻詰落 wind-up jam drop ryote dori 43:19 ....ude gaeshi 腕返 arm flip ryote dori 44:17 ....waki garami 脇搦 side tangle katate tachi-eri dori 45:28 ....kiriha 切羽 cut wing kakaekomi / kakae jime dori 46:13 ....kataude nage 片腕投 one arm throw morote dori 47:25 .. end part 2 0:00 .. start part 3 2:00 .. part 3 intro 2:16 ..yonkajo 四ヶ条 section four 2:31 ...okuden 奥伝 deep secrets 3:28 ...juugote 十五手 15 moves 3:28 ....ura gote 裏小手 rear forearm shomen uchi 4:35 ....uchi gote 内小手 inside forearm yokomen uchi 5:35 ....kakae kubi 抱首 hug neck katate dori 6:44 ....temakura dzume 手枕詰 hand pillow jam yokomen uchi 7:35 ....waki dori (omote) 脇捕(表) side capture (front) shomen uchi 8:16 ....waki dori (ura) 脇捕(裏) side capture (rear) yokomen uchi 8:58 ....ire chigai 入違 pass each other koshi obi dori 9:34 ....tatsumaki 竜巻 tornado ryote dori 10:33 ....izori 居反 sitting throw back ryote dori 11:11 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop katate dori 12:11 ....senryu 潜竜 submerged dragon katate dori 13:08 ....waki dzume otoshi 脇詰落 side jam drop katate dori 13:50 ....kasumi nage 霞投 mist throw yokomen uchi 14:41 ....hadaka jime 裸締 naked clamp tsuki 15:24 ....daruma gaeshi 達磨返 dharma flip ryokata dori 16:25 ..gokajo 五ヶ条 section five 17:34 ...rokute 六手 6 moves 17:34 ....makikomi kujiki 巻込挫 roll-up bend-back tsuki 18:42 ....koban gaeshi 小判返 oval flip kakete (block strike) 20:16 ....kannuki dzume 閂詰 bolt jam ryote dori 21:54 ....enma 閻魔 lord of Hades tsuki 23:09 ....shumoku 橦木 bell hammer (wooden) yokomen uchi 24:33 ....taki otoshi 滝落 waterfall drop kakete (block strike) 25:33 ...emonodori 得物捕 weapons capture 25:58 ....bou dori 棒捕 staff capture 27:45 .....ippon me 一本目 1st shomen uchi 28:06 .....nihon me 二本目 2nd shomen uchi 28:24 .....sanbon me 三本目 3rd tsuki, sokumen uchi 28:53 ....jutte dori 十手捕 jutte capture 30:42 .....ippon me 一本目 1st 31:13 .....nihon me 二本目 2nd shomen uchi 31:52 .....sanbon me 三本目 3rd shomen uchi 32:44 ....tantou dori 短剣捕 knife capture 33:53 .....ippon me 一本目 1st shomen uchi 34:17 .....nihon me 二本目 2nd yokomen uchi 34:33 .....sanbon me 三本目 3rd gyaku yokomen uchi 34:56 ....tachi dori 太刀捕 sword capture 36:33 .....ippon me 一本目 1st shomen uchi 37:04 .....nihon me 二本目 2nd 37:33 .....sanbon me 三本目 3rd shomen uchi 37:52 ....kasa dori 傘捕 umbrella capture 38:02 .....ippon me 一本目 1st kakete 38:30 .....nihon me 二本目 2nd kakete 38:59 .....sanbon me 三本目 3rd shime 39:32 .....yonhon me 四本目 4th shime 40:06 .....gohon me 五本目 5th tsuki 41:08 ...taninzuudori 多人数捕 large number of people capture 42:39 .....ippon me 一本目 1st shime 42:52 .....nihon me 二本目 2nd ryote dori 43:01 .....sanbon me 三本目 3rd ryote dori 43:30 .....yonhon me 四本目 4th futari dori 43:56 .....gohon me 五本目 5th sannin dori 44:58 .. end part 3 0:00 .Uragata 裏形 secret forms 0:00 .. start part 4 3:06 .. part 4 intro 3:52 .."hiden mokuroku uragata" to wa nani ka? 「秘伝目録・裏形」とは何か what are the "secret syllabus secret forms"? 7:43 ..ikkajo 一ヶ条 section one 7:43 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 8:19 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 8:40 .....ura 裏 secret 11:33 .....point ポイント point 13:02 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 13:23 .....ura 裏 secret 15:24 .....point ポイント point 16:06 ....hiji gaeshi 肘返 elbow flip katate mune dori 16:26 .....ura 裏 secret 17:17 .....point ポイント point 17:57 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 18:15 .....ura 裏 secret 19:17 .....point ポイント point 19:56 ....shime gaeshi 絞返 choke flip emon jime 20:16 .....ura 裏 secret 21:22 .....point ポイント point 22:21 ....daki jime 抱締 hug clamp emon jime 22:39 .....ura 裏 secret 23:43 .....point ポイント point 25:50 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 26:10 .....ura 裏 secret 26:58 .....point ポイント point 27:49 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 28:07 .....ura 裏 secret 28:58 .....point ポイント point 31:26 ....nukite dori 抜手捕 pull out hand capture ryote dori (hold) 31:46 .....ura 裏 secret 33:05 .....point ポイント point 33:59 ....hiza jime 膝締 knee clamp ryote dori (push) 34:12 .....ura 裏 secret 35:47 .....point ポイント point 37:08 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 37:08 ....omote 表 public 37:08 .....hanmi nage 半身投 half-body throw migite dori (pull) 37:30 .....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop hidarite dori (push) 37:52 .....izori 居反 sitting throw back ryote dori (push) 38:02 .....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop kubi jime 38:18 .....irimi nage 入身投 enter-body throw ryote dori (pull) 38:45 ....gotenjutsu 御殿術 palace art 38:45 .....hanmi nage 半身投 half-body throw migite dori (pull) 39:15 .....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop hidarite dori (push) 39:47 .....izori 居反 sitting throw back ryote dori (push) 40:15 .....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop kubi jime 40:41 .....irimi nage 入身投 enter-body throw ryote dori (pull) 41:23 ....point ポイント point 41:23 .....hanmi nage 半身投 half-body throw migite dori (pull) 43:00 .....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop hidarite dori (push) 44:10 .....izori 居反 sitting throw back ryote dori (push) 45:11 .....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop kubi jime 46:29 .....irimi nage 入身投 enter-body throw ryote dori (pull) 47:14 .... extra 52:11 ....goho-no-jin 五法の陣 five methods' form 57:47 .. end part 4 0:00 .. start part 5 3:06 .. part 5 intro 3:48 ..kuden ni tsuite 口伝について about oral transmissions 4:13 ...asagao 朝顔 morning glory 5:12 ...taka-no-tsume 鷹の爪 falcon's talons 6:09 ...nonaka-no-maku 野中の幕 middle field curtain 9:30 ..kuden ura 口伝 裏 secret oral transmissions 9:30 ...kuzushi 崩し unbalancing 9:30 ...rakka 落下 drop down 9:30 ...nawa 縄 rope 12:12 ..ikkajo 一ヶ条 section one 12:12 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 12:38 ....ippon dori 一本捕 one arm capture shomen uchi 12:52 .....ura 裏 secret 14:13 .....point ポイント point 16:04 ....kuruma daoshi 車倒 wheel topple yokomen uchi 16:18 .....ura 裏 secret 17:25 .....point ポイント point 19:07 ....gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 reverse arm capture katate mune dori 19:24 .....ura 裏 secret 21:08 .....point ポイント point 21:54 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel emon jime 22:07 .....ura 裏 secret 22:51 .....point ポイント point 24:44 ....karame nage 搦投 tangle throw mune dori shomen uchi 24:57 .....ura 裏 secret 25:47 .....point ポイント point 27:02 ....ura otoshi 裏落 rear drop katate sode dori (pull) 27:13 .....ura 裏 secret 28:16 .....point ポイント point 29:15 otoshi 帯落 belt drop emon jime 29:24 .....ura 裏 secret 30:28 .....point ポイント point 31:17 ....kiri kaeshi 切返 cut flip ryosode dori 31:27 .....ura 裏 secret 33:05 .....point ポイント point 34:01 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip ryote dori (pull) 34:14 .....ura 裏 secret 35:21 .....point ポイント point 36:07 ....shihou nage (omote) 四方投(表) four directions throw (front) ryote dori (hold) 36:22 .....ura 裏 secret 37:18 .....point ポイント point 38:33 ....shihou nage (ura) 四方投(裏) four directions throw (rear) ryote dori (hold) 38:47 .....ura 裏 secret 39:15 .....point ポイント point 40:04 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 40:22 ....tachi eri dori 立襟捕 standing-collar capture katate tachi-eri dori 40:37 .....ura 裏 secret 41:33 .....point ポイント point 42:25 ....ryo kata hineri 両肩捻 both shoulders twist ryokata dori 42:37 .....ura 裏 secret 43:33 .....point ポイント point 44:56 ....ryo hiji gaeshi 両肘返 both elbows flip ryohiji dori 45:08 .....ura 裏 secret 45:57 .....point ポイント point 46:40 ....daki jime dori 抱締捕 hug clamp capture daki jime 46:54 .....ura 裏 secret 47:45 .....point ポイント point 48:32 ....kata otoshi 肩落 shoulder drop katate kubi jime 48:47 .....ura 裏 secret 49:43 .....point ポイント point 50:40 .. end part 5 0:00 .Kudengokui 口伝極意編 oral transmission secret teachings compilation (uragata part 2) 0:00 .. start part 6 2:15 .. part 6 intro 5:04 ..gokui-kaidai - "ippon dori" 極意解題 「一本捕」 secret teaching review - "one arm capture" 7:45 ..kuden 口伝 oral transmission 8:05 ...asagao-no-te 朝顔の手 morning glory hands 10:01 ...taka-no-tsume 鷹の爪 falcon's talons 12:22 ...nonaka-no-maku 野中の幕 middle field curtain 14:19 ..nikajo 二ヶ条 section two 14:19 ...idori 居捕 sitting capture 14:49 ....kote dzume 小手詰 forearm jam shomen uchi 15:09 .....ura 裏 secret 15:27 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 17:29 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 17:49 .....ura 裏 secret 18:00 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 20:44 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back yokomen uchi 21:02 .....ura 裏 secret 21:11 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 24:08 ....koba gaeshi 木葉返 leaf flip kakete (no attack, block strike) 24:21 .....ura 裏 secret 24:33 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 25:47 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (hold) 26:05 .....ura 裏 secret 26:19 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 28:05 ....kubi hineri 頸捻 neck twist emon jime 28:21 .....ura 裏 secret 28:35 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 29:39 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip katate kata dori (block strike) 29:56 .....ura 裏 secret 30:08 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 32:42 ....kataha dori 片羽捕 one wing capture tsuki 32:58 .....ura 裏 secret 33:16 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 36:24 ....kamate dzume 鎌手詰 sickle hand jam tsuki 36:36 .....ura 裏 secret 36:51 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 37:55 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm katate mune dori (block strike) 38:08 .....ura 裏 secret 38:18 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 39:27 ...hanza-handachi 半座半立 half-sitting half-standing 39:50 ....omote 表 public 39:50 .....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (pull) 40:15 .....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip sokumen uchi 40:36 .....suso dori 裾捕 hem capture shomen uchi 40:57 .....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back tachi-eri dori 41:18 .....irimi dzume 入身詰 enter-body jam morote dori (pull) 41:41 ....ura 41:53 .....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (pull) 42:17 .....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip sokumen uchi 42:38 .....suso dori 裾捕 hem capture shomen uchi 43:01 .....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back tachi-eri dori 43:22 .....irimi dzume 入身詰 enter-body jam morote dori (pull) 43:56 ....kasetsu 解説 explanation 43:56 .....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori (pull) 44:40 .....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip sokumen uchi 46:31 .....suso dori 裾捕 hem capture shomen uchi 47:13 .....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back tachi-eri dori 47:59 .....irimi dzume 入身詰 enter-body jam morote dori (pull) 49:52 ..kendo kata 剣道形 sword-way forms 51:18 ...kendo kata 剣道形 sword-way forms 53:29 ...kendo kata (kodachi) 剣道形(小太刀) sword-way forms (short sword) 54:40 .. end part 6 0:00 .. start part 7 2:15 .. part 7 intro 3:36 ..kuden 口伝 oral transmission 3:47 ...kuzushi 崩し unbalancing 5:49 ...rakka 落下 drop down 10:24 ...nawa 縄 rope 16:29 ..nikajo 二ヶ条 section two 16:29 ...tachi-ai 立合 both standing 16:37 ....gyaku dasuki 逆襷 reverse sash shomen uchi 16:58 .....ura 裏 secret 17:09 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 18:25 ....hiki otoshi 引落 pull drop yokomen uchi 18:42 .....ura 裏 secret 18:53 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 20:49 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw sode dori 21:04 .....ura 裏 secret 21:14 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 22:06 ....suso barai 裾拂 or 裾払 hem sweep sode dori 22:22 .....ura 裏 secret 22:33 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 23:21 ....seoi nage 背負投 back-carry throw emon jime 23:38 .....ura 裏 secret 23:49 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 25:23 ....shutou dzume 手刀詰 knife-hand jam katate dori 26:04 .....ura 裏 secret 26:14 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 28:08 ....kote gaeshi 小手返 forearm flip shomen uchi 28:30 .....ura 裏 secret 28:41 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 30:45 ....kata guruma 肩車 shoulder wheel shomen uchi 31:01 .....ura 裏 secret 31:13 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 32:22 ....koshi guruma 腰車 lower-back wheel yokomen uchi 32:38 .....ura 裏 secret 32:50 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 33:22 kujiki 背挫 back bend-back emon jime 33:45 .....ura 裏 secret 34:01 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 35:10 ...ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 35:20 ....tsuki taoshi 突倒 thrust topple tachi-eri dori 35:36 .....ura 裏 secret 35:46 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 36:43 ....sukui nage 掬投 scoop throw ryohiji dori 37:03 .....ura 裏 secret 37:17 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 38:02 ....gyaku gote 逆小手 reverse forearm kataha jime 38:25 .....ura 裏 secret 38:39 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 39:42 ....kubi nage 首投 neck throw hagai jime (full nelson) 40:00 .....ura 裏 secret 40:13 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 40:48 ....hiji kujiki 肘挫 elbow bend-back ryosode dori 41:09 .....ura 裏 secret 41:22 .....kasetsu 解説 explanation 43:13 ..kenjutsu 剣術 sword art 43:16 ...takagami gokui goten 高上極意五点 advanced secret teachings five points 45:21 ...bottoujuutsu 抜刀術 sword drawing art 47:41 .. talking 49:26 ..gokui-kaidai - souden tasuu dori 極意解題 総伝多数捕 secret teaching review - general message many capture 50:23 ...kaidai 解題 review 50:48 .. end part 7 - Hakuhō-ryu Aiki-jūjutsu Osaka 白鳳流合気柔術 大阪 - .hiden mokuroku 秘伝目録 secret syllabus - ..yonkajo 四ヶ条 section four 0:00 ...kasumi nage 霞投 mist throw yokomen uchi 0:00 ...kakae kubi 抱首 hug neck katate dori .aiki-no-jutsu 合気之術 the science of joining spirit ..katate dori 片手取 single hand take 0:00 ...shakkotsu gaeshi 尺骨返 ulna flip ..ryote dori 両手取 both hands take 0:00 ...furiko otoshi 振り子落 pendulum drop 0:00 ...nukite otoshi 抜手落 pull out hand drop 0:00 .... soft variation 0:00 .... ending variations 0:00 ...ryo ichimonji 両一文字 both straight line 0:00 .... practice 0:00 .... detail of cut line 0:00 ...katate otoshi 片手落 one hand drop 0:00 ...yuragi otoshi 揺らぎ落 tremor drop 0:00 ...aya guruma 綾車 diagonal wheel 0:00 ..idori 居捕 sitting capture 0:00 ...aiki nage 合気投 aiki throw 0:00 ...aiki age 合気上 aiki raise 0:00 ..ushiro-dori 後捕 rear capture 0:00 ...sofuku 粗服 plain clothes (?) 0:00 .... fragment 0:00 ...tamanokoshi 球乗腰 ball-ride lower-back 0:04 .... fragment 0:00 ...sanju 三十 thirty (?) 0:00 ....details 0:00 ...karamegake 搦掛 tangle hang 0:00 ...jumonji 十文字 cross-shape - Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu - Tokyō Keiko-Kai - Takumakai - Yamamoto Atsushi 大東流合気柔術 - 東京稽古会 - 琢磨会 - 山本敦史 - .suwari kata 座り方 1 how to sit - .tachi kata 立ち方 2 how to stand - .chikara o nuku 力を抜く 3 relax (withdraw power) - .shisei 姿勢 4 posture - .nobasu 伸ばす 5 extend - .atemi 当身 6 striking - .gyaku ude dori 逆腕捕 7 reverse arm capture - .aruku 歩く 8 walking - .taijū idō 体重移動 9 weight transfer - .tai no tenkan 体の転換 10 body turn - .irimi 入身 11 entering - .tai sabaki 体捌き 12 body movement - .kote gaeshi 小手返 13 forearm flip - .ippon dori 一本捕 14 one arm capture - .gyaku dasuki 逆襷 15 reverse sash - .ushiro ukemi 後受身 16 back falls - .yoko ukemi 横受身 17 side falls - .kaiten ukemi 回転受身 18 rolls - .seiza 正座 19 kneeling - .namba aruki なんば歩き 20 walking, same arm and leg together - .aiki age 合気上 21 aiki raising - .shōmen uchi 正面打 22 front strike - .karada o hiraku 体を開く 23 body opening - .zuite iku 随いて行く 24 moving together - .kote dzume 小手詰 25 forearm jam - .tachi-ai chudan tsuki 立合中段突 26 standing middle thrust - .tekubi no jūnan (ichi) 手首の柔軟(一) 27 flexible wrists (1) - .tekubi no jūnan (ni) 手首の柔軟(二) 28 flexible wrists (2) - .shutou dzume (shisei) 手刀詰(姿勢) 29 knife-hand jam (posture) - .shutou dzume (datsu ryoku) 手刀詰(脱力) 30 knife-hand jam (removing power) - .hikkakeru 引っかける 31 hanging / hooking - .koyubi o tsukau 小指を使う 32 using the little finger - .shutou 手刀 33 knife-hand - .chūshin 中心 34 center - .5/10 jishu keiko 5/10自主稽古 35 10th of May independent training - .53rd Aikido embu taikai 53rd合気道演武大会 36 53rd Aikido demonstration convention - .aiki age kara ukemi 合気上げから受身 37 falling from aiki age - .shōmen uchi o ukeru 正面打ちを受ける 38 receiving front strike - .shōmen uchi uke kara atemi 正面打受けから当身 39 striking from receiving front strike - .kote gaeshi 小手返 40 forearm flip - .yokomen uchi 横面打 41 side strike - .kuruma daoshi 車倒 42 wheel topple - .idori gyaku ude dori (ichi) 居捕逆腕捕一 43 sitting reverse arm capture (1) - .idori gyaku ude dori (ni) 居捕逆腕捕二 44 sitting reverse arm capture (2) - .standing gyaku ude dori 立合逆腕捕 45 standing reverse arm capture - .sitting ippon dori 居捕一本捕 46 sitting one arm capture - .ippon dori kojin keiko 一本捕個人稽古 47 one arm capture personal training - .gyaku ude dori jishu keiko 逆腕捕自主稽古 48 reverse arm capture independent training - .suri ashi すり足 49 sliding feet - .ashi no sabaki 足の捌き 50 footwork - .hiji-ate nage 肘当投げ 51 elbow striking throw - .ura otoshi 裏落 52 rear drop - .katsugu 担ぐ 53 shoulder carry - .kojin keiko ura otoshi 個人稽古 裏落 54 personal training rear drop - .chikara o makitsukeru (力を)巻きつける 55 wrap around (the power) - .jōge ni wakeru 上下に分ける 56 split up and down - .unsoku 運足 57 ? avoiding footwork - .seizato rei 正座と礼 58 sitting bow (throw) - .mae ni deru 前に出る 59 going forward - .9.22 kojin keiko 9.22個人稽古 60 22nd September personal training - .mae ni taosu 前に倒す 61 topple forward - .saware ni iku 触れに行く 62 ? go to touch - .ude o nobasu 腕を伸ばす 63 extend the arm - .mae ni kiru 前に斬る 64 cut (down) forward - .kamaeru 構える 65 ? take a stance - .hiji o nobasu 肘を伸ばす 66 extend the elbow - .ukemi ushiro ni sonaeru 受身後に備える 67 prepare by turning back after a fall - .shikko 膝行 68 knee walking - .chikara o tsutaeru 力を伝える 69 transmit power - .oshi hiki 押し引き 70 push and pull - .shutou de kiru 手刀で斬る 71 cut with knife-hand - .tachi-ai ippon dori 立合一本捕 72 standing one arm capture - .tachi-ai gyaku ude dori 立合逆腕捕 73 standing reverse arm capture - .nori koeru 乗りこえる 74 ride over - .kote gaeshi (tate ni kiru) 小手返(縦に斬る) 75 forearm flip (vertical cut) - .karameru 搦める 76 entangle - .jishu keiko 20160121 自主稽古20160121 77 21st January 2016 independent training - .hiku hairu 低く入る 78 lower and enter - .dzumeru 詰める 79 jamming - .te ni ireru 手に入れる 80 take in with the hand - .ippon dori shoukai 一本捕詳解 81 one arm capture detailed explanation - .nihon kobudo embu taikai 日本古武道演武大会 82 Japan old martial arts demonstration convention - .ippon dori shoukai (zoku) 一本捕詳解(続) 83 one arm capture detailed explanation (continued) - .hanza ippon dori 半座一本捕 84 half-sitting one arm capture - .kasaneru 重ねる 85 pile up - .hiji o seisuru 肘を制する 86 control the elbow - .hiji o semeru 肘を攻める 87 attack the elbow - .sabaite utsu 捌いて打つ 88 deal with and strike - .yokomen uchi o ukeru 横面打ちを受ける 89 receiving side strike - .kuruma daoshi shoukai 車倒詳解 90 wheel topple detailed explanation - .kuruma daoshi shoukai (zoku) 車倒詳解(続) 91 wheel topple detailed explanation (continued) - .idori shutou dzume 居捕手刀詰 92 sitting knife-hand jam - .tekubi o doru 手首を捕る 93 holding the wrist - .koyubi no shime 小指の締め 94 little finger clamp - .jiku o tsukuru 軸を作る 95 make an axis / center - .shizunde tomeru 沈んで止める 96 sink and stop - .ura otoshi shoukai 裏落詳解 97 rear drop detailed explanation - .ura otoshi shoukai (zoku) 裏落詳解(続) 98 rear drop detailed explanation (continued) - .ushiro ni kuzusu 後ろに崩す 99 unbalance to the rear - .aiki age 合気上げ 100 aiki raising - .hiji gaeshi 肘返 101 elbow flip - .te o hiraku 手を開く 102 opening the hands - .rendou suru (ichi) 連動する(一) 103 moving (the body) together (1) - .rendou suru (ni) 連動する(二) 104 moving (the body) together (2) - .shihou nage 四方投げ 105 four directions throw - .tenkan shite nageru 転換して投げる 106 turning throw - .juji uke 十字受 107 cross-shape receive - .zurasu ずらす 108 shift / slide - .tsunakeru つなげる 109 connect - .mae ni oku 前に置く 110 place in front - .katate dori shihou nage 片手捕四方投 111 one-hand hold four directions throw - .hiraite tomeru 開いて止める 112 open (hands) and stop - .ori tatamu 折りたたむ 113 folding - .hasamu はさむ 114 hold between - .koshi guruma 腰車 115 lower-back wheel - .chidori ashi (ichi) 千鳥足(一) 116 tottering steps (1) - .chidori ashi (ni) 千鳥足(二) 117 tottering steps (2) - .koyubi kara nigiru 小指から握る 118 grasp from little finger - .koyubi kara kuzusu 小手から崩す 119 unbalance from little finger - .kougekisen o hazusu 攻撃線を外す 120 move out from the line of attack - .uchikomu (kuruma daoshi) 打ち込む(車倒) 121 get a strike in (wheel topple) - .daki jime 抱締 122 hug clamp - .obi otoshi 帯落 123 belt drop - .sabaite iru 捌いて入る 124 deal with and enter - .kiri kaeshi 切返 125 cut flip - .mune dori kara ippon dori 胸捕から一本捕 126 one arm capture from chest hold - .te kagami 手鏡 127 hand-mirror - .hara de tomeru 肚で止める 128 stop with belly - .shichiri biki 七里引 129 seven-league pull - .koyubi o kakeru 小指をかける 130 placing the little finger - .oyayubi o tsukau (hiji gaeshi) 親指を使う(肘返) 131 use the thumb (elbow flip) - .shime to hiraki 締めと開き 132 clamp and open - .kote dzume 小手詰 133 forearm jam - .hiza jime 膝締 134 knee clamp - .tsutsumu 包む 135 wrap up - .aiki age to ukemi no tanren 合気上げと受身の鍛錬 136 aiki raising and break falling training - .sowaseru 添わせる 137 make attached - .katate dori kote gaeshi 片手捕小手返 138 single hand take forearm flip - .gasshou dori 合掌捕 139 join palms capture - .obi otoshi shoukai 帯落詳解 140 belt drop detailed explanation - .ryote dori kiri kaeshi 両手捕切返 141 both hands take cut flip - .toraseru 捕らせる 142 capture - .nenchakusaseru 粘着させる 143 stick / adhere - .chushin ni ageru 中心に上げる 144 raising the center - .shomen de kamaeru 正面で構える 145 stance in front - .ken o tsukau 剣を使う 146 using the sword (yonkajo) - .ken o tsukau (tachi-ai) 剣を使う(立合) 147 using the sword (standing, yonkajo) - .kousa dori kote gaeshi 交叉捕小手返 148 crossing hold forearm flip - .osaeru 押さえる 149 pushing down - .te o toru 手をとる 150 holding the hands - .koyubi oka ni kakeru 小指丘にかける 151 ? placing the base of the little finger - .kuttsukeru くっつける 152 stick together - .ryote dori kote gaeshi 両手捕小手返 153 both hands take forearm flip - .koshi de ugoku 腰で動く 154 moving the hips / lower-back - .ryote dori shihou nage 両手捕四方投 155 both hands take four directions throw - .oyayubi o kakeru 親指をかける 156 placing the thumb - .kote o doru 小手を捕る 157 forearm / hand hold - .hasamu はさむ 158 hold between - .hiji o seisuru (gyaku ude dori) 肘を制する(逆腕捕) 159 control the elbow (reverse arm capture) - .hiji o seisuru (hiji gaeshi) 肘を制する(肘返) 160 control the elbow (elbow flip) - .hiji o seisuru (ura otoshi) 肘を制する(裏落) 161 control the elbow (rear drop) - .hiji o nobasu 肘を伸ばす 162 extend the elbow - .gyaku ude ni doru 逆腕に捕る 163 holding the reversed arm - .idori gyaku ude dori 居捕逆腕捕 164 sitting reverse arm capture - .nukite dori 抜手捕 165 pull out hand capture - .karame nage 搦投 166 tangle throw - .mashita ni shizumu 真下に沈む 167 sink directly below - .ryote dori shihou nage (ura) 両手捕四方投(裏) 168 both hands take four directions throw (rear) - .jōge ni wakeru 上下に分ける 169 split up and down - .tekubi o kitaeru 手首を鍛える 170 train the wrists - .kuzusu (katate dori) 崩す(片手捕) 171 unbalancing (one hand take) - .kuzusu (ryote dori) 崩す(両手捕) 172 unbalancing (both hands take) - .sawareru 触れる 173 touching - .shimeru 絞る 174 pinning - .tsukikomu 突きこむ 175 thrust into - .oyayubi o semeru 親指を攻める 176 attack the thumb - .tekubi o nobasu 手首を伸ばす 177 extend the wrist - .mune dori kote dzume 胸捕小手詰 178 chest hold forearm jam - .mune dori kote gaeshi 胸捕小手返 179 chest hold forearm flip - .mune dori ura otoshi 胸捕裏落 180 chest hold rear drop - .mune dori shihou nage 胸捕四方投 181 chest hold four directions throw - .tenbin ni kakeru 天秤にかける 182 hang the balances - .koshi ni noseru 腰に乗せる 183 ride on the lower-back - .nukeru 抜ける 184 slip out - .ude o tateru 腕を立てる 185 stand arms - .hikikomu 引き込む 186 pull into - .kotei suru 固定する 187 fixing - .mannaka de toru 真中でとる 188 take in the middle - .tate ni ugokasu 縦に動かす 189 move vertically - .mashita ni otosu 縦に動かす 190 drop right under - .ukete no kougeki ni tsuite 受け手の攻撃について 191 about the attack of the receiver - .mannaka ni atsumeru 真ん中に集める 192 collect in the middle - .mine de semeru 峰で攻める 193 attack at the top - .makikomu 巻き込む 194 roll up - .awaseru 巻きこむ 195 matching